
i wonder

if daul or 

ann or 

a friend of mine ever 


across this 

would they

be in a better





i don't travel

it's tiring

(gw sangat lansia).

my dream trip would be

a road trip

across arizona, colorado, montana, utah

soalnya gw cuma perlu duduk

ya gak juga doesnt matter

im so sure i'd love it

i know itll be boring, doesnt matter

its like a movie

just real

its happening

but outside

ill be the spectator who experiences and

makes no change.

terus temen jalannya woles, sering berenti seneng seneng aja 

bc i 

sure as hell

wont stand sitting that long


children get older and i'm getting older, too

my sister is about to graduate. i hate it. i can feel her leaving.


Sometimes a simple kindness goes a long way for someone who is suffering

about to jumpdrown herself, the student was. suicide. out of her shoulders that she thought was no longer there to hold against bullies. rushed to hold her arms, the policewoman was. telling her it's still there.

Mapo Bridge



silkroad silks

Amira of Hargal Tribe, from A Bride's Story by Kaoru Mori
post-soviet Mid Asia part of earth; its wild charm,
kaoru mori pictures it best.  
She's the author of the pre-modernism european aristocracy lifestyle-telling  Emma and Shirley, and similarly done with the Middle Asia version, A Bride's Story.


say hi to Nico Robin


sadistic jokes
nico robin is funny

robin x luffy x zoro x chopper



Hang in there

on my way back, there was a cat

he half stood, half sat

he was half-lounging, half alarmed

his fur looked attacked

His place was shoulder height,

So he kinda had his eyes on my level

So i stared at him.

He stared back.

He straightened his back.

He tried to hold his pride, i see

Maybe he lost in the cat-fight

So I acted scared when he hissed

Then i left and he didnt stop staring.

I hope i restored his dignity

Even a bit.

Even for a bit is okay.