
how to slowdance in a burning room

the challenge of this arrangement is to
always be something




fuck u really

n it kills me
that i hurt u
n it kills me
that u hurt me n it doesnt kill u

omg wait

im getting addicted to say whatever i want i miss saying whatever i want i cant stop writing whenever i want however id like no repercussions no rules no second thoughts no regrets nobody to please no stupid feelings to not hurt just me n my stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid


avocado silk

we hung out around this place, yesterday

they sold velvet puddings

they lather your tongue, it says

well not really but thats my conclusion of their many many punchlines to say so

no chocolate so didnt buy any

today we have


that tastes like silk

what is it for, God

thank u but




wait i actually got this back????


i, a functional adult, realized she couldnt function without a blog post or two a year